Rishta Lime Pickle Sweet 450g
Rishta Lime Pickle Sweet offers a unique blend of sweetness and tanginess in an authentic Indian-style pickle, perfect for those who enjoy a balanced flavor profile.
- Authentic Indian sweet lime pickle
- Balanced sweet and tangy flavor
- Great for a unique taste experience
- The typical indian pickle tastes sour and hot/sweet. Most pickles are hot and some are spicy. Rishta Pickles are best used as accompaniments to traditional main dishes such as Khichuri, Rice and Meat & Vegetables and also make tasty appetisers. This Rishta Lime Pickle Sweet contains ingredients like Lime, Sugar, Jaggery, Corn oil, Salt, Coriander, Mustard & Fenugreek Seeds, Red Chilli, and Turmeric. The Sweet Lime Pickle is Prepared, processed and packed in a very hygienic condition to ensure better quality and authentic flavour. The Rishta Sweet Lime Pickle Has the shelf life of 12 months from the date of packaging.
- Genuine Texture and Flavour
- 12 months of shelf life
- Authentic Kerala style pickle
- Natural ingredients
- Lime Pickle Sweet