Kerala Ayurveda Anu Thailam, 10ml
- Nostrils are known as Shirodwara or the gateway to the head in Ayurveda. The nose is also the entry point of the vital breath or Prana vayu, which is crucial in maintaining vitality and mental clarity. According to Ayurveda, instilling herbal oils or Nasya is one of the essential holistic self-care practices that encourages healthy Prana flow and internal detoxification. Nasya helps to lubricate the nasal passages and clean out excess mucus from the sinuses. This helps reduce the frequency of sinusitis, allergies, and nasal congestion. It helps clear the accumulated doshas from the nasal passage and enables you to breathe better!
- It is prepared from a number of ingredients like Holostemma, Cedrus deodara, etc. In classics it is mentioned in different texts such as ashtanga hridaya, charak samhita, ashtanga sangraha, Sahasroyoga. This oil is mainly indicated in diseases related to the nose, throat, and head. This medicated oil can be used daily as a healthy routine.
- Anu tailam in classics is beneficial for conditions such as-
- Helpful in ears, eyes, nose and throat disorders
- Manage disorders related to sense organs (drida indriya)
- Useful in hairfall and premature greying (khalitya palitya)
- Makes skin healthy (prasan twak)
- Strengthen shoulders, face, neck and chest region. (ghan skandh, greeva, vaksh)
- Key Ingredients: Jivanti, Hrivera, Devadaru, Jalaada, Sandalwood